
Showing posts from July, 2023

Want to Reduce CAC? Focus on Retention

  In the world of e-commerce, customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a crucial metric that determines the effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies. However, reducing CAC is not the only way to improve profitability and achieve sustainable growth. Retaining customers and building brand loyalty is equally important, and the delivery experience plays a significant role in achieving these goals. Why Delivery Experience Matters Customers expect fast, reliable, and hassle-free delivery services, and any mistakes or delays can negatively impact their experience.  According to a survey conducted by MetaPack, 96% of customers said that delivery experience affects their brand loyalty. Therefore, e-commerce platforms need to focus on enhancing the delivery experience to retain customers and build brand loyalty. Here are some solutions that can help e-commerce brands improve their delivery experience and reduce CAC by focusing on customer retention and rewarding your best customers. Real-time o

Delivery Transparency: What Does Estimated Delivery Mean?

  As an e-commerce brand, your ability to deliver orders on time and with clear communication can make or break customer experience. Shipping metrics such as ship date, delivery date, and   estimated delivery date   are crucial components of this experience. But what do they mean, and how do they affect your customers? In this article, we'll explore the concept of delivery transparency and how it relates to e-commerce shipping. We'll also discuss the common terms related to shipping transparency and how they factor into the customer experience. Finally, we’ll detail how FenixCommerce can help your e-commerce brand achieve greater shipping efficiency and transparency by more accurately predicting the shipping timeline than carriers and simplifying the decision making process so you can focus on attracting and retaining customers through other channels. Understanding Delivery Transparency Delivery transparency refers to the level of visibility and communication that a brand provi

Navigating Rising CAC: Where Shipping Optimization Gives an Edge

E-commerce has become the dominant force in the retail world over the last decade. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has surged even more quickly, with customers flocking to e-commerce sites for everything from groceries to luxury items and for online Retailers, driving down customer acquisition costs (CAC). However, in the last year, as more brands move online, the competition for customer attention and sales has become increasingly intense. Struggles include rising digital advertising costs and other factors like the impact of Apple's iOS 14 update on Facebook targeting. These challenges have only been compounded by the hangover effect from the Covid e-commerce sales bump. This has now led to rising customer acquisition costs (CAC), making it increasingly difficult for e-commerce brands to maintain growth while also protecting margins. As a result, brands need to find innovative ways to optimize their marketing investments and reduce customer acquisition co